The Every Year Itch – Much more than “just” a doctor – with Dr. Dana Corriel

Dana Corriel is a board-certified internist and creative entrepreneur. Working within a traditional and structured medical world didn’t stop Dana to have the courage and give life to her other loves and talents such as travel and photography. With her company she practices the same out of the box innovative thinking, working tirelessly to empower physicians with the use of social media.

Dr. Dana Corriel is a board-certified internist and creative entrepreneur.  Not held back by the confines of the medical field, nor her own mind, Dana explored her personal talents, as well as looking to integrate the positive application of modern technology into the medical world. Dana works to empower physicians with use of social media tools, with her company, SoMeDocs.

She earned the title of Top Ten Internists to Follow on Twitter in 2018 by Medical Economics, and appears regularly in major publications. Her most recent coverage was on the covers of LA Times and Gastro & Endo News, in the Boston Globe, Huff Post, and EP News. Her upcoming gigs include conferences at Harvard and Rush, where she will teach professionals how to innovate by thinking outside the box, and the benefits of creative thinking in any field, esp in the traditional field of medicine. She regularly writes on her blog,, and has particularly enjoyed writing on her travels.

You can contacts Dana:
On twitter: @drcorriel
Instagram: drcorriel

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